About Golden Oak Society

Helping children and teens develop a Christ-centered,
biblically-faithful Christian worldview

One of the greatest gifts Christian parents can give to their children is helping them develop a Christ-centered, biblically-faithful Christian worldview. A “worldview” can be briefly defined as “the conceptual lens through which we see, understand, and interpret the world and our place within it.” Everyone has a worldview, even our children (albeit one in process). 

That is why teaching our children “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3, ESV) is not only one of our primary God-given responsibilities as parents (Eph. 6:4), but is also one of our greatest joys. Shepherding our children to Christ and the gospel, and helping them think biblically about all of life is one of the greatest privileges we have.   

However, having a Christ-centered, biblically-faithful worldview is more than just being familiar with biblical stories, although this is a good thing. It is also more than being able to correctly answer theological questions, although this too is a good thing. The goal is that our children will learn to see, understand, and interpret the world and their place in it through the lens of Christ, the gospel, and the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). 

To that end, by God’s grace we try to model and live out a Christian worldview for our children. We diligently pray for them. We commit to a Bible-believing church community where our children can hear and see the gospel lived out. And following the principles of Deuteronomy 6:7, we seek to faithfully teach them God’s Word when we “sit in [our] house, and when [we] walk by the way, and when [we] lie down, and when [we] rise.” 

That is why we started Golden Oak Society: to provide K-12 Christian worldview curriculum and resources for families and schools as they faithfully seek to pass on a Christ-centered, biblically-faithful Christian worldview to their children and students. 

We pray our resources may be a blessing to you and your family.

Soli Deo Gloria

W. Michael Clark, Ph.D., J.D.
Founder, Golden Oak Society

Our Founder

W. Michael Clark (Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; J.D., Arizona State University) is a husband and father of five. He and his wife have utilized a variety of school options, including homeschooling, private school, and home educating with an ESA.

Upon completing his Ph.D. in World Religions at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), he became the Director of the School of Christian Studies and Assistant Professor of Cross-Cultural Ministry at Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU). He has taught courses on Christian worldview, Christian ministry, World Religions, Islam, and Christian missions at SBTS and OBU. He is co-author of An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World (IVP Academic, 2017).

After earning his Juris Doctor (J.D.) at Arizona State University and clerking at the Arizona Supreme Court and the Arizona Court of Appeals, he served as Vice President of Policy and General Counsel at Center for Arizona Policy (CAP). While at CAP, he advocated for life, religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and educational freedom at the state legislature and in the public square. Currently, he is an attorney in the Phoenix area and actively serves in his local church.

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